Saturday, July 17, 2010

That's Life

Hits & misses, stolen kisses
That’s Life.

Skipping a beat, spotting ‘the one’ across the street
That’s Life.

Waking up from a bad dream, only wishing you could erase the dream
That’s Life.

Hoping and waiting, waiting for a miracle to happen
That’s Life.

Waiting to break free, ready to push the reset button
That’s Life.

Looking towards a better tomorrow, a lot more joy and a lot less sorrow
That’s Life.

Going through a lot of storms, but finally knowing what really matters
That’s Life.

Leaving behind friends, no idea when and where; but when you are all alone, you turn back to see them still here
That’s Life.

Wiping the dust off the mirror, and finally meeting the real you
That’s Life.

In the end shedding a tear, but ultimately being free of the fear
That’s Life.


  1. Last line is golden. No regrets right? in the end your free

  2. Alli...after a point of time, you start to pick up threads again. I'm beginning to pick up mine.

  3. Looking towards a better tomorrow, a lot more joy and a lot less sorrow
    That’s Life.

    Loved this line. Good to know that you are such a good poet :)

  4. Beautiful poem!
    Loved the lines-Waiting to break free, ready to push the reset button; Wiping the dust off the mirror, and finally meeting the real you....
    You are surprising!

  5. Can Identify with each line ! And the last line is priceless !! Keep posting :-)

